Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Website!

My new website:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Stall Notes August 31st

I recently signed a Stall Notes deal with Adam.
It was more an oral (email) contract.
Valid nonetheless.

There shall be Stall Notes by midnight every Sunday
for the remainder of my senior year.

If I don't pull my weight of the deal...

Jeff (the fish) will lead a boring, unadventurous, life.

ADD Business

I find that I go about my day in an ADD manner.
I also find that I like structure.
This puts in a weird medium of micromanaging
my dreams and desires.

The result is an efficient chaos where
I complete my day in a productive way which
may not be apparent by its appearance.

*Note to Self: Don't use the verb and noun form of the same word in the same sentence.
*Note to Self: Notes to Self may appear lame to readers

7 days in a week

Very interesting

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Veggie Tales

I loved Veggie Tales when I was a kid! I'd love to do the types of creative things Phil Vischer does...


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heart Doors

Your heart is not complete. I don't think it will be complete until you die. Before then, you choose how to split it.


2% Halo
20 % Parents
50% Friends
8% School
10% Being In A band
10% Saving the World

What I want is...decompartmentalization.
Opening up the doors enough so that others can get in, but not so much that
there are no secrets...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Happens When I Don't Pay Attention in Church

Sun, 11/04/2007 - 19:24 — kooseefoo

So, today I went to church. Went all the way to Morro Bay to go to Calvary Shoreline for the third time ( - you can pick up the recording of the teaching there. Really awesome speaker).

And, after the pastor said one thing during announcements, my mind was off on a tangent the rest of the morning. (As it is now... I'm forcing myself to pay enough attention to write this).

Oh. Text message.

And another...

Okay, so the pastor was talking about a prayer event that the church had earlier in the week. During it, it came out that one of the men in the group had cancer. So, they started praying for him.

And I started to wonder... if given the opportunity, what would I say to him?

And that was where my thoughts wandered for the rest of the morning. The pastor was talking about stuff in Acts 11... I remember bits and pieces of it, but I really don't feel guilty about that at all.

The first thing that I thought I would say to this man is that God has a plan for everything. Throughout the last year, that is one of the greatest things God taught me - sometimes, he chooses to use things like that to have a profound impact on those around us. There is no way that, without such a high-profile struggle, the people around me could have seen God's provision for me and my family and the strength that He gives us. I had countless opportunities to tell people that I wasn't doing anything special - that God was helping me keep things together. That God was the reason I didn't become depressed, or a total basket case. That God was the reason I am still alive.

And that was even echoed in the people around me. My whole family's struggle through things has done wonders to unite our church - given people opportunities to be the body of Christ - to do his work by showing his love and compassion. To pray for each other and support each other. It truly did intensify the sense of family with our church.

If everything in life stayed nice and perfect, there would be no need for God to support us. We wouldn't need him to lend us his strength. We wouldn't need his provision for us. We wouldn't need his mercy. In essence, we wouldn't feel any need for Him. Likewise, we wouldn't need the prayer and support of the people around us. They would have no opportunity to come together without any reason to. Without struggle, there would be no opportunity to build our faith and character in Christ and no opportunity to unite as a family.

I remember... a long while back... praying that God use me however he wanted to. I meant it too - whatever the cost, whatever I need to do - that he would give me every chance he could to do His work.

In hindsight, I'm thinking that probably wasn't the greatest idea.

I often wonder if this last year was a direct result of that prayer. God is up there, "Well, you asked for it." When I said that prayer, I didn't think about any possible permanent damage. Maybe being a bit embarrassed, messing up a bit, making a fool of myself, or whatever. But losing some physical abilities... never thought about it.

Although, I suppose the use of the word "permanent" in that last paragraph was fairly silly. There was only one real permanent effect of all this: the people whose lives were permanently changes. The people who might - just might - have seen a glimpse of God and His glory. The people who could have come to understand who Christ is, grown closer to him, or might have just had their heart softened just a little bit. That is permanent. Losing some function of a limb - who cares?

So, if you ever feel tempted to say that prayer - asking God to do whatever he can with your life - I'd suggest you rethink it. Do you really mean it?

What do you think you could lose? A bit of reputation? Some time? Some money?

What about having to leave everything you know? What about losing all security in life? What about losing your life?

So, before you go to God and say something like that, I really challenge you to think: do you mean it? Are you just saying that because it sounds good, or do you really mean it? Are you just being lukewarm, or do you honestly mean that you are ready to give up your life for whatever purpose God has for it?

I remember one of my first prayers after being diagnosed: "God, you better have some huge plans for this. Otherwise, I'm going to be pissed." I suppose he didn't give me any reason to be angry. The effect I've already had on people's lives is enough to make me honestly say that I would do it again, if given the choice. And I can't wait to see what else God has for me and my testimony.

I do mean that prayer. Every word of it. I hope you do too. After all, this life is only temporary.

On another note, the Africa tent thing went extremely well. I spent quite a bit of time doing odd-job sort of things, and only did the response team thing with a few people. All the people I talked to were already believers, and several had some pretty awesome stories. They had gone on mission trips to Kenya, Romania, and Ethiopia. How cool is that? After talking to them, I started to really think about someday going on a (possibly even long term?) trip to Africa. Interesting thought.

The night of impact event also went amazingly well. Princess Kasune Zulu (from Zambia) spoke with an incredibly convicting message about how much of an impact we could have in the life of people in poverty. Just over a dollar a day is enough to sponsor a child - enough to give them the resources they need to go to school instead of having to fend for themselves. Pretty awesome, eh?

During the event, I was in the sound booth. MAJOR PROPS TO THE SOUND GUYS! Absolutely nothing went wrong. It was pretty awesome, especially considering most of us had no experience with that sound equipment. I was working with the peripheral stuff (CD player, etc.) and the patch panel, which resembled the plug board on the rotating chair in Rocket Man. But, it was pretty simple to figure out.

Oh yea. I need to study physics. Exam tomorrow. Probably not so bright to be writing such a huge blog post right now. Eh. Who cares.

Look - another text message.